Wednesday, October 23, 2013

DAY 150 - The Norwegian Egg Incident

Aug 16 - Meet Tora, Angela, and Kian

Arriving at Tora's home was a breath of fresh air.  Her children were well-behaved and had a lot of energy.  Kian had just had his 9th birthday and Angela was 12.  
Angela is practically a lady.
Kian, aged 9, is all boy, just like my grandson, Benjamin
Our "bedroom" was in the family room/living room.  Very comfy!
This is where we lived for two days as we toured Bergen in the rain.
A typical Norwegian breakfast with bread, cheese, meats, and spreads.
 The children LOVED asparagus pesto and liversworst paste.  Tora made another spread with
-kidney beans
-olive oil
-salt and pepper
It was a hit with the kids and with Rich.  Somehow, I just couldn't get into all of this first thing in the morning for breakfast.  It was good, but maybe later in the day.
Her home-made spread was a favorite.

Kian was good about taking care of himself and boy - did he eat well.
 We went to a local children's farm where we saw lots of kinds of farm animals.  The kids and I had a lot of fun there.
Cute little bunny rabbit.
We climbed up in a playhouse.

Angela is swinging like a monkey.
We had a scary incident as I boiled 10 eggs about 10 p.m. and went to work on my blog.  I told Rich to help me not to forget that I had them on the stove.  I usually turn off the stove when they boil and let them sit for about 15 minutes.  Uh oh!  I forgot and everyone went to bed.

About 2 a.m. Tora's neighbor rang the doorbell and told us we had smoke billowing out of the kitchen window and into his flat below ours.  She went in and turned off the burner and came in to tell me to stay out of the kitchen and proceeded to shut off that area with the door.  I was sick about it as I told her that  - yes, indeed, I had forgotten to shut off the burner.  The disturbance had awakened us all, but we got to sleep after a while.

Rich woke up quite early and went into the kitchen to clean it up before Tora could get a chance to see the mess.


 What a sweetheart he was to clean it all up, but I really had wanted to take pictures of it and get the evidence of what was a crazy experience for us all.  It smelled pretty bad.  bllaahh!

 What happens when eggs boil out and are still on a very hot burner?  They pop up, burst, and go EVERYWHERE.  There were shells all over and pieces of egg on the ceiling, walls, fridge, etc.  The pan was burned black on the bottom.

"Who is going to clean this up?"

Thanks, Rich...down to the playground, get some coarse sand, scrub and scrub.

It looked almost as good as new, but the house smelled pretty bad for awhile.   Sorry about that everyone.  Guess I had  better pay attention or maybe use the timer buzzer next time.


  1. Heheh, drama then and there. A fun story to tell now :-) it was so ovely to have you here!!

    1. It was FANTASTIC to meet you all. You must keep in touch and thanks again for EVERYTHING! Hope you put it in your future plans (even if it's 20 yrs. down the road) to visit us. Say hi to the kids. :)
