Monday, June 17, 2013

TOP 5 QUESTIONS: (for 2nd Month)

SECOND MONTH - April 19 - May 19

  1. Are you ready to come home yet?  Absolutely not! It's gone so fast and we're just beginning. It does feel like we're in a whirlwind – time is going so quickly and we do so much every day. It's a good thing I'm keeping a blog because I would forget a lot of details. Besides, what is at home?! And right now we have no home because we're renting it out. Guess we'll have to couch surf in our own city when we return to Idaho!!
  2. What has the weather been like? Turkey and Greece were perfect – not too cold or hot! Berlin was a little grey, but was warmer than people had told us it would be. Northern Germany we found was cooler, but we brought the Greek sunshine with us. The Netherlands was sunny, but we found our coldest time there...wish we had our long underwear a couple of days. Belgium was very nice. Italy was great, but we did use our umbrellas a few times.
  3. What is your favorite place for the second month?  For overall experience, it is too difficult to choose just one. We tend to like to stay with families, so the Werner Family in Oosteebad Wustrow, Germany, the Kuhnert family in Hannover, and Theresa and her family in Venice made for such wonderful memories. We love them so much! Rich loved the long hike we took in Cinque Terre (5 little villages on the Italian riviera) and the train ride afterwards through Tuscany. I really enjoyed the windmills and the tulips in Holland. I think I must have been a little Dutch girl in my former life! :)
  4. Tell us about your craziest experience so far?  We would both have to say Florence, Italy and Leo with all of his rules and how he ran his couch surfing army. I can still hear him explaining in detail what time we were expected to do everything. Funny guy!
  5. How has it been to be together 24/7?  Everyone wonders this and I'll have to say that we have had a couple of issues, but we always work through them. Rich is very patient with me and has learned to check to see if I've forgotten anything in the seats of the bus or other places. We do try and find some “alone” time occasionally, but I usually end up getting lost so my “alone” time is between midnight and 2 a.m. All in all, we love each other very much and enjoy each other's companionship so much that we find joy in everything we do together!

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