Wednesday, May 29, 2013

TWO MONTHS - This ' n That

Today is May 29th and we've been gone over two months.

Since I had several weeks when I couldn't post pictures (because of "blogger" problem), I'm over a month behind with my posts, but I WILL catch up!  Below are the problems I've had this month.  Everyone smile!

  1. Shari's Computer/Piano Glasses – fell out of fanny pack (oops...zipper was open) at bus station and the conductor wouldn't let us hop out to pick them up on the platform.
  2. 2 more pens – who knows where
  3. one yellow highlighter – left on the bus
LOST, but FOUND:  Shari's bi-focal glasses left in a store on an island in Croatia (Ross, a co-couch surfer from California went and got them after we left and is mailing them to a friend in Switzerland...thanks Ross!!

BROKEN:  Shari dropped her Kodak camera on the pavement and now there is no display on it, so she had to buy a new Nikon camera in Croatia.
INJURIES: (so far)
  1. Shari jammed a toe bumping it on a tile step (it was hard to wear shoes for several days, but I had to)
  2. Shari stepped funny on her ankle and caused a sore bump on the inside so wearing shoes was difficult, but I had to.

    This is what my arm looks like over 2 weeks AFTER having a train door smoosh it.  Uh-Oh!
  3. Shari was too slow getting onto a train, so the door shut with her arm in it, leaving a big bruise on her forearm for several weeks.

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