Christmas in La Ventana, Baja, California Sur, Mexico
I've been coming down here for 11 years and although I miss my family terribly around the holidays, this is the next place I would rather be. We live in the garage while building a duplex above it. It is slow going as Rich is doing it himself.
Rich partitioned a bedroom for us this year in our 3-bay garage. |
Looking from the other side of the bedroom to our "office". Outside the entryway is his workbench. |
Storage shelves for kitchen appliances, food, and his tools. |
Our trailer is being used by Sara and Tom, so Rich made a make-shift kitchen which I love. |
We've even decorated the dining area with some Christmas lights. The laundry room, bathroom, and sink are in the room straight ahead. |
My Music Studio with our beautiful árbol de Navidad that we bought at the Segundo shop. |
This year will be my 5th Christmas in Mexico and there are definitely some fun happenings around here.
#1 - 2nd Community Christmas Celebration
I started this two years ago and I wasn't sure I would feel up to it after my bike accident, but I DID IT and it was fabulous. I helped get the group numbers together, did the arrangements, practiced with others who didn't know they could do it, and got some local Mexicans to participate.
First, the restaurant served pizza, then the entertainment began. Dalaney built a stage this year, Rich did the electrical set-up, and Larry from Hood River, Oregon did the sound system. I played the piano for some group carol singing and sang a number with Rich on guitar. Everything went really well. A couple of children came up to me and asked if they could sing "12 Days of Christmas" (Baja style) and it was the hit of the evening! (Unfortunately not many pictures)
Achim, from Germany and I pose with Santa who made an appearance. |
Addie and her mom, Renee - Addie did great with "All I Want for Christmas Is You." |
My good friend, Mady played a piano solo - I've been giving her lessons for 4 years now. |
Addie is 12 and comes down here with her family for 5 months. She goes to school in El Sargento, a small fishing village next to La Ventana. Rich and I live just north of El Sargento. Both villages are about an hour from La Paz, the capital of Baja, California Sur. That's where we do all our shopping. |
#2 - Mexican Christmas Eve Gift-Giving
Mady has been organizing a Gringo Giveaway to the Mexican children for years. This year there was about 3,000 pesos donated and sacks and sacks of clothes and toys.
Well done, Mady! |
It's always fun to go shopping with the money to buy more candy and toys. She gets names of the neediest families in the area and they begin lining up at 10:30 for the craziness at 11:00. I wish I had taken a photo of the 'before' shot with the piles and piles of clothes and toys. I went away for 2 minutes to my car, got my camera and ran back. EVERYTHING was gone! It took us 30 minutes to set up and at 11:05, everything was GONE!
Unbelievable! We had make-shift tables lined up on two sides and the mothers loaded up trash sacks with things and everything disappeared. Some say they will have family parties and divide things up. Others say they will sell the clothes and make money. There were some REALLY good items. Oh well! |
"Boo hoo - I wanted a ball." |
This is the only girl that came up to me to say, "gracias." I gave her a big hug. What a doll! |
I'm sure they were all thankful, but because of their culture, our language barrier, and maybe their pride, not much thanks was given, but those of us who helped were touched by their excitement. We are better for knowing we helped some needy families to have a better Christmas.
"Look at all I got." |
Santa comes to give candy to all the children - about 60 this year. |
#3 - Christmas Eve on the Beach at the Campground
Just as you drive into La Ventana, there is a large campground where there are about 200 campsites. At Christmas time, there are probably about 500 people that reside there. Almost all are wind surfers or kiters and the beach there is a fantastic place to launch.
First, there is a big Pinata Party. I think the adults have more fun than the children because they, too, dive for mostly the peanuts. The children, of course, like the candy.
I loved watching these two young kids get their candy. |
Every year Santa comes to give gifts to each child that lives there,
along with some Mexican children who are regulars. Santa knows each one
by name, so a special gift is given with that in mind.
Santa has been busy this year in La Ventana, and of course Mrs. Claus helps, too. |
Rich and I like to be behind Santa to watch the children's faces. Such a great night! |
A favorite with everyone.."Jingle Bells" - beach style with "THUMBS UP!" |
These girls have been here for several years in a row and know every word. |
Renee and William are "all smiles." |
"Thanks Santa for the stuffed toy." |
Tom & Sara enjoy their 1st Christmas on the beach. |
What a great evening it's been so far! |
Next, there is a BIG bonfire and this year it was spectacular! Everyone gathers around and Chris and a couple of other ladies lead us all in carol singing. I especially love the international languages that are sung because there are people from all over the world here. I start singing "Il es ne le divin enfant" with a few French people and I pretty much lead them with singing all the verses. Afterwards they just go off talking to me in French. When I tell them I don't know French, they can't believe it because I sang the song so well. HA!
Mady is from France, however, and she really gets a kick out of my singing and fooling the French people. Larry is from England. They are quite the pair! |
We've really enjoyed our Christmas Eve and what a bonfire. FUN FUN FUN!!! |
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