2015 Friends, Fun, & Food
We like to go to Mexico for the winter to get away from our Idaho winters. It's the perfect place to associate with people who believe in the same things you do - Healthy living - exercise, good food, sharing music, and wonderful people. Then there is the Sea of Cortez, the beautiful plants, and the different bugs, fowls, and creatures. It's a good way to enjoy the "retired life."
Welcome to our humble abode close to a Mexican fishing village. |
I love the Baja sunrises. I like to stretch and do a little Yoga, early in the mornings. |
Meet Pufi, Puffina, and their little baby - Puffer! (All found on the beach near us) |
The flowers of the aloe vera plants are yummy - we eat them in our salads! |
Meet Christina, our 'work-away' girl from Oregon. |
A VERY large crawly creature in front of our abode. |
I enjoy my wonderful friends in Baja. We were able to go to a arts festival about 30 minutes away and had a lovely lunch.
Girl's Day at the El Triunfo Arts Festival |
Paella, with several sea foods, and a great salad |
Every Tuesday is Girl's Day 'Hike in the Desert'....this one was terrific! Note the HUGE fig tree in the background. |
Another hike to a beautiful waterfall. |
LOVE the amazing sunsets, too. This is looking towards the Sea of Cortez from our parking area. GORGEOUS -YES? |
A look at our back patio area and the beautiful bugenvilla. |
Another sunrise photo looking to our bluff and future home site. |
The island right in front of our property is a place I have always wanted to go to. Our friends have a boat, so we made a day of it. Dolphins, Whales, Sea Lions, and MORE!
Here we go! Catch our dolphin "ride" in my next post! |
Once on the island, we settled down for a picnic and some snorkeling and hiking. |
We also spent a week-end in the touristy Cabo, a couple hours to the south of us. It was a nice getaway from work...especially with some special friends.
We met them through couch-surfing - she is a real estate agent. This is her office. |
We got up early and saw a beautiful sunrise in Cabo and some crashing, crazy waves. |
EASTER 2015....Church on the beach and a re-inactment from local Mexicans of the true Easter story.
This young girl was baptized on the beach - very beautiful! |
Following are three photos that depicted Christ's crucifixtion.
I marched with the local Mexican families from one village to another - probably about 6 miles. It was very touching! there were children, teens, adults, and older folks (even in canes and wheelchairs.)
We enjoyed several meals together with friends and cooked having NO meat, NO dairy, NO sugar, NO commercial foods, and NO gluten. Challenging, but healthy and that's pretty much how we are eating now.
My friend, Kris, and her avocado chocolate pie that was to die for! |
This was the last course for our Nutritarian dinner - again presented by Kris. LOVE Baja winters!! | | | | | | |